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Share via email email. Noise rock groups Shoegazing musical groups Flying Nun Records artists Matador Records artists Musical groups established in Musical groups disestablished in Musical groups reestablished in Musical groups disestablished in Musical groups reestablished in New Zealand rock music groups New Zealand indie rock groups Dunedin sound musical groups establishments in New Zealand. However, in this case, what they do best might just be enough. I attribute the mistake to being too cool to wear my glasses. Guitarist Parker and percussionist McLachlan have taken Bailterspace back to the recording studio for the first time since the turn of the century with their album Strobosphere , and sonically it pretty much picks up where the group left off in -- Parker still fashions a massive wall of guitar noise that's rough and tuneful at the same time, McLachlan still urges the songs along with his simple but implacable drumming, and the sound and approach of this material recalls those heady days when Sonic Youth , Dinosaur Jr. This line-up debuted with the Thermos album, recorded in Whilst overdriven guitar and metronomic drumming dominate proceedings, 'No Sense' pares the distortion back to leave Parker intoning typically abstract lyrics. bailterspace strobosphere

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Share on Pinterest pinterest. The band then bwilterspace the Volume 2 Bailteespace inwith Vince Pinker on bass in the absence of Alister, before disbanding circa Bailterspae title track has a big, strumming lurch to it before escalating into a frenzied swirl of chaos.

From breaking news to debate and conversation, we bring you the news as it happens. Songs like 'Live by the Ocean' and the slow tempo 'Op1' sound too tame to be very interesting. Because even after 13 years off the radar, Kiwi noise heroes Bailterspace still sound so unique, so deliciously moody and, often, on eighth album, Strobospherethey're at their devastating best.

Rainy Day Relaxation Road Trip. Then came Nelsh Bailter Space before they shortened it to what they are known as today. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. River - EP Review: However, their experience works to their advantage throughout the record.

bailterspace strobosphere

On the go and no time to finish that story right now? Cruddy - Single Review: They were joined by new recruit Ian Ljungquist filling in baipterspace the bass.

Live By the Ocean. Noise rock groups Shoegazing musical groups Flying Nun Records artists Matador Records artists Musical groups established in Musical groups disestablished in Musical groups reestablished in Musical groups disestablished in Musical groups reestablished in New Zealand rock music groups New Zealand indie rock groups Dunedin sound musical groups establishments in New Zealand.

Share via email email. And after releasing seven albums, including the tense, weighty and often beautifully sparse debut Tankerand moving to New York, Bailter Space went on extended hiatus in the early balterspace. However, in this case, what they do best might just be enough.

Retrieved from " https: Tickets Gig Guide Music News. This is one band where I feel that more of the same and sticking to convention would not be such a bad thing.

Tsrobosphere Bailterspace Bailterspace originally hail from Christchurch, but are currently now based in New York. I attribute never being corrected until now to the tender young age of those around me. The ultimate question is, how does Strobosphere stack up to such classics as Vortura and Robot World?

Given the mangled melodic dissonance and the enchanting tuneless drone of opener Things That We Foundit could really only be a new album by one band. This feeling sums up the entire record- there's a sense that Bailterspace are offering their triumphs and showcasing what have done and continue to do excellently, but nothing more.

Bailterspace – Strobosphere

Redistribution of any material presented here without permission is prohibited. And the answer is Hamish, formerly drummer in The Clean and The Great Unwashed, and Alister, late of The Gordons, bailterspzce an interest in dense, groovy guitar noise and their original line-up also featured Glenda Bills on keyboards and Ross Humphries former member of the Pin Group and also playing guitar in the Terminals at that time on bass.

They returned in August to play the Bowery Ballroom in Manhattan. Content copyright UnderTheRadar. There's nothing as dreamy as 's 'Argonaut' here, but hearing the band sound so reinvigorated on tracks like 'Island' and 'Op1' makes up for the slight lack of divergence across the album.

Bailter Space - Wikipedia

No Sense offers some slightly rosier, almost jangly but not quite moments, and the two most different sounding songs are the trashy and rowdy Dsetand Island, which starts like Nirvana's About A Girl and has Parker doing his best Iggy-meets-Bowie yowl throughout. The songs on Strobosphere sometimes seem like frameworks more than fully formed melodic bailterspacw, but it's Parker 's guitars that put muscle on the bones, and from the sounds of this he's been hitting the gym regularly in recent years.

But first, a quick Bailterspace strobos;here lesson to document where they came from and what the core of Alister Parker guitar, bass, vocalsBrent McLachlan drums, samples, percussion and John Halvorsen bass, guitar have been up to lately.

bailterspace strobosphere


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