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Active 7 years, 8 months ago. I am restarting FirefoxADM because there are a number of new things that I want out of it, some new features and some changes to the way it works. How do we handle problem users? The last version I released, 0. Unless FF has changed recently it used store that setting in the file prefs. firefoxadm

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There was also another couple of angles firefoxaxm it: I am restarting FirefoxADM because there are a number of new things that I want out of it, some new features and some changes to the way it works.

This site uses cookies. Preference State and how you would like the preference to be handled. How FirefoxADM overcomes the lack of native support is addressed next. Apr 3, Posts: Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. That really gave me the biggest urge to start this up again, so onwards and upwards.

This will open the Group Policy Management Editor. No, create an account now. Preference State will be Default or Firffoxadm These scripts should be imported to their correct locations inside the policy. Right-click the newly created policy and click Edit.

I fidefoxadm ran firefox on my test machine and user with the policy object applied and no proxy settings or browser checks happen. It is more difficult to keep track of I find especially with the use of Loopback processing widespread.

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The last version I released, 0. For a lot of the settings, there will be 2 settings: The goal for 0.


Therefore, I want to take as many settings as possible and expose them solely through the Computer Configuration ADM template. This was previously fixed in 0. firfoxadm

How to force Firefox proxy settings with GPO in a Windows Server 2003 domain

That is not the fault of anyone involved in that process, I should add, but all of that is for another post too. Well, a lot of that is connected to why I stopped updating it. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.

Repeat the steps above for the Shutdown script. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

The problem is that when you set fieefoxadm homepage browser. May 6, Posts: By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. I know that firefoxadm works for old versions of Firefox but it does not for the latest versions. Also, I wanted to move away from the usage of User Configuration.


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FirefoxADM | In Cider Knowledge

Astro on Release 0. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Do you get an firfeoxadm message? I was aware the firefox stores settings in the users profile.


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